Reply To An Anonymous Reviewer…

I don’t normally make posts like this, but something happened a short while ago that pissed me off. I received the following guest review on…

Why dont you write more stories like this instead of p*** trash like Behind the P*** Mask? A Marriage of Inconvenience was an actually good story. Why don’t you go ahead and put Sookie out on a street corner and have her make money w*** her a**, t*** and mouth out to whoever and whatever wants it? She doesnt care about having a good name or reputation so being honest about being a cumbucket wouldn’t bother her.

This person, and they know who they are, cowardly left this review anonymously on A Marriage of Inconvenience. Now, normally I ignore these reviews and don’t bother replying to them… Not that I could if I wanted due to the fact they did it anonymously. But I found this one to be insulting.

To the guest reviewer,

You don’t like Behind The Public Masks? Fine. You have the right not to like it. I knew when I was writing it that not everyone would. We all have different tastes, and that’s fine.

Although, I have to ask why are you reading it if you hate it so much? Why did you feel the need to read it, and then jump over to to post a guest review on A Marriage of Inconvenience?

You asked why don’t I write good stories like A Marriage of Inconvenience anymore. Well to answer your question, I do. Just because you don’t like Behind The Public Masks personally doesn’t mean others don’t. I have had loads of positive reviews for it. Other readers like it. Your opinion is just that, yours.

The choices I made for this story were mine and mine alone, and I stand by them. If I want to have Sookie working on a street corner, I will. If I want to have her fucking every man and woman in the US, I will. If I want to have her have a complete personality transplant and join a convent, I will. Because it’s my story.

I will write what I want, when I want. Be it a good story like A Marriage of Inconvenice, or trash like Behind The Public Masks.

I do not take issue with you not liking my story. I take issue with you reading it on here, and then jumping to FanFiction to leave an anonymous review on a story that had nothing to do with Behind The Public Masks. And, just for the record, you won’t be able to do that again as I have deleted all my stories over there. No more anonymous reviews allowed, period.


71 thoughts on “Reply To An Anonymous Reviewer…

  1. SS that happened. Guest Reivews and FFn’s lack of policement of them are just two of the reasons I have been boycotting FFn since 2012. Between Blogs and TWCS, I have plenty to read. People just don’t seem to get that the red x in the corner is all they have to do.


  2. I support your right to write trash. Call me a dumpster diving trash lover.
    No one seems to have a problem when Eric fucks anything that walks. It’s the age old double standard of the guy is a stud but the girl is a whore.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You said it! When a man does this, he’s “the man!” A single working woman that owns her own company, is successful, and has money to show for it? Well, she must have spread her legs for someone, right? Sighs… It’s fiction, and Sookie isn’t real… She can be depicted any way these writers choose.


  3. Here’s the thing, life is about choices. Not a fan of the story? Easy fix, close the window. Feel so strongly that you need to tell the author? You can (and I have) tell the writer in a civil manner that their work has taken a turn you don’t like and you will not continue to read. There is no need to insult someones work or cuss them out in the course of making your point.

    That having been said some of us fucking love it and can’t wait for more!


    • Thank you. There has been stories I’ve been turned off for one reason or another, but I never felt the need to post anon crap like that reviewer did. It was insulting to me and the rest of my readers. I’m glad you’re loving my story.


  4. Good for you! I personally didn’t like the sound of where BTPM was going so I chose not to read it. My choice.
    I loooooove all your other stuff (AMOI is one of my all time fave fanfics) so don’t think I don’t think you’re a great fanfic writer because I do. BTPM was just not up my alley.
    Hear that anonymous asshole! Make a choice. Don’t read if you don’t like. There were plenty of warnings about where the story was headed. Duh!
    So, again Queenie, good for you!


    • Thank you. I’m fine with people not reading BTPM. I knew when I wrote it, it wouldn’t be for everyone and I respect that. I put the warnings on the story for that very reason, to warn people what it would contain.

      I know you like my other stuff and I’m pleased that you do.


  5. I have stated before that I think that people who give mean reviews and wont sign their names are just pussies. I am a firm believer in the motto if you don’t like it don’t read it — you have a choice. I love both stories and while Behind The Public Masks is more risque and lets face it raunchy than A Marriage of Inconvenience they both are well written and certainly very entertaining they are just not PWP’s. I like trash and if the reviewer has a problem with a strong sexual woman they should not read any of your stories because that is what you write. So I am climbing off my soapbox and getting ready to re-read the last chapter again and enjoy every minute of it.


    • I’ve seen all your great reviews and know you love it as I do. But why is it trash just because the main character chooses to live life on her own terms, and that includes her sex life? When it’s Eric & Sookie pounding it out 3 or 4 times in a chapter, no one calls that trash. Now that it’s Sookie alone claiming her sexual independence, it’s trash? I don’t get it. I love that you’re “climbing off my soapbox and getting ready to re-read the last chapter again and enjoy every minute of it.” That is SO great!


      • Sorry I did not mean to say it is trash because it is not. I love this Sookie for the very reasons you stated above and the soapbox I meant was just about the bad review I have seen this happen in a lot of stories on — I really should have read my review and revised it — I was just thinking so fast that I let it go without a good edit. I am sorry if my review sounded bad in anyway it was not meant to — I support the story and the author 100% thank you for pointing out my inconsistencies.


      • No, no, no! I loved your comments! I just kept reading “trash” all over, and I am SO sorry that you feel I misinterpreted your review! I feel the same as you do, and I was happy to see someone else on the soapbox instead of me! You done good! I just posed the question that I did because it seems to me that readers rarely call E&S romps trash or raunchy, and I just don’t get it. I thought I’d ask you. I feel terrible now! Please accept my apology!


      • No need to feel bad about your questions because I did debate the raunchy part when I was writing it. I was thinking that since this Sookie is so sexy and knows what she wants sexually and not afraid of going for it that it felt a bit more than the usual romp. I just did not pick a better adjective for it. Please don’t feel bad I am glad you asked it will make think of better words for what I want to say 🙂 so we are ok now right I just love this fandom and the way everyone will stand up when one of writers have been wronged.


      • I love that too! They work hard to deliver these terrific stories for us, and they deserve respect! I can’t even think about the time or imagination it takes to write one of these, especially a multi-fic.


    • Thank you. I’m fine with people not liking it, but the cowardly way this person went about it is what pissed me off. Like you said, I write strong, sexual women in my stories, it’s pretty much a given in my fic. I see nothing wrong with a woman exploring her sexuality, and that’s what this Sookie does. If anything this reviewer has just made me want to write something even dirtier for the next part.


  6. Wow… Some people!
    Keep writing momma. Most of us like a little variety. I’m on pins & needles for the first encounter between Sookie & the regent, but I don’t mind reading about her with others, either. Some people just need to get over themsves, you keep writing for you & don’t worry about the haters.


  7. What a fucking pussy that anonymous reviewer is. The only thing worse than going the cowardly anonymous route is griping about plot points and character behavior. Is there a gun to their head? Don’t like it? Don’t fucking read it. Or, erite your own stuff.
    Sorry this jerk off compelled you to dump FF…that site has issues, no question, but it does make it easy for readers to search multiple stories/authors vs having to jump blog to blog.
    While I love canon SVM fics, I love this balls to the wall Sookie. So fun 🙂
    Don’t let asshole anonymous reviewers bother you. Glad you took a page out of BTPM Sookie’s book…and cut ‘er loose.


  8. I dont normally comment on an authors post, however, i just felt the need to this time. First I would like to say I enjoy all of your stories. If I didn’t I wouldn’t continue to read them, free will and all. But it bothers me when authors take the time out of their day to create something better, different, for others to enjoy and readers have the audacity to put down the creativity of the author because its not what they want to read. Then on top of that, they dont have the nerve to tell the author who they are. Why? If a reader feels so strongly about what they comment on, why hide? I cannot say how many times I have started a story only to become interested in it, get through all of the chapters written to find out the author received negative comments and lost interest in a story that I enjoyed because some dumbass doesn’t understand how to stop reading it? Its easy, you close the browser or search for a diferent story that fits your pigeonholed point of view. On the other side of my point, there have been NUMEROUS stories that I began to read, and part way through determined it was something I did not want to invest any additional time in. Could have been due to poor writing, poor grammer, poor plot, whatever. But I stopped reading it. Period. (Again free will and all, funny how that works) But I never, NEVER, posted anything negative (anonymous or not) telling the author why. It’s not our place. We are not critics, we are fans. We are here to enjoy what was written. Fanfiction authors write because they enjoy it, they want to share their ideas. So to end my little rant, if ya dont like it, close your eyes, close the browser, but stop telling authors what they write you dont like. They just might stop writing the stories you do like. To any other authors reading my comment, please don’t stop writing. I may not read or like what you write, but I am positive someone does. 🙂
    (My name, see how easy that was?)


  9. I am so sorry that you had to deal with that, and even more sorry to hear that you deleted your work on ff. I understand why but I am still sorry. I started in ff last year before branching out to blogs and TWCS and I found so many wonderful stories there, yours among them, that I was inspired to try and create some of my own.

    It saddens me to think that someone might miss your beautiful stories because of an asshole.

    Keep writing and stay strong. You’re an inspiration to us all! 🙂


    • Thank you. I’m sad to have had to deleted my stories off there, but while reviewers like that think it’s okay to use my other stories to insult one that’s not posted on there, it’s not worth it. I used to love getting an email saying new review, but lately it was more of a case of, “Oh hell, what are the complaining about this time?”


  10. You know I love this story and all of your other stories! I can’t believe that she went to to leave an anonymous review. That’s BS and I don’t blame you for leaving


  11. That person sucks. You’re always going to come across people like that, don’t let them bring you down.
    Behind the Public Masks is one of my current favourite stories and I love that you have created this bad ass Sookie who doesn’t give a shit what anyone thinks of her and goes after what she wants. She’s fab. You rock.


  12. OMG, I hate that some cowardly anonymous reviewer led you to pull your stories from FF. Their opinion is obviously not the majority and you should feel free to post your stories anywhere you like. I despise people who don’t have the balls to sign their names to their posted opinions!


    • Thank you. I hated having to delete my stories off there, but unfortunately this wasn’t the first time I’d received anon crap. Last year Ashensunset and I were getting every week when we updated Answer to the Master. I’m pretty sure it was always the same person as the reviews followed the same pattern. But after deleting a dozen of them it got too much and I just stopped posting there.

      It’s people like that who ruin it for everyone else. They think they’re entitled to dictate how a story should go.


  13. Sorry that idiot didn’t have the sense to just stop reading and had to run over to FF to trash a story
    that isn’t even posted there.
    I enjoy your stories and think it’s a credit to you that you can write such different versions of Sookie.
    Thank you for sharing your work with us !


  14. Glad you are standing your ground. Anon reviewers suck balls! I held off on BTPM until you posted chapter 10 cause I’m twitchy about waiting for chapters. TB/SVM fics I have read before I am really enjoying it and looking forward to the next chapter. Hope you keep writing these ‘trashy’ fics for a long time cause they are great!


  15. I have enjoyed all of your stories:) There will always be ignorant people that have nothing better to do than try to make other people upset. You are a wonderful writer, and I think that there are many readers out there that would agree with me. These are your stories and it is your talent that you share with us, and I am grateful that you do. Opinions are like a**holes everybody has one, even ignorant people.


  16. Anons are dumb. Tumblr has anti-anon spray! I’m not a big reviewer because I suck at it. I’m a huge Eric/Sookie fan and normally don’t read anything but them. But this you have the ability to make me crave the next chapter of this. It may be because there will be E/S or because you are awesome and you’re writing is amazing. Your story is in no way trash. This Sookie is awesome. I love a strong Sookie story. Keep up the amazing work!!


  17. Wow! I am always disgusted and amazed at what people will do anonymously. Please don’t let it discourage you! That would be the worst thing. You can write whatever you want! It’s such a rude shock when you get your first hateful anon review. At least it was for me. But going to another story on a completely different site is beyond disgusting and cowardly. I’m so sorry. I love BTPM!


    • Thank you. The thing is the moment that review popped up in my email, I knew what it was before even opening it. Unfortunately, it’s not the first I’ve got. Ashensunset and I would get them regularly for Answer to the Master. We were told we needed psychological help, accused of enjoying writing rape, criticised for our lemons, and my personal favourite, told Sookie doesn’t deserve Eric, and that he should wait for Susie to grow up (she’s 6 in it) and be with her. And that was because Sookie (who was suffering from the fairy curse) didn’t run into his arms and declare her love for him.

      I won’t let this person discourage me. I’m already planning the next part.


      • I don’t know if I’ve read that story. *adds to list* I just don’t understand where people get off being so judgemental. They are reading free stories. I have read stories that I didn’t care for and I stopped reading them. It’s really that simple. But people who feel the need to tell someone how they are wrong…it’s just pathetic. When Nanny Eric first showed his insecurity in my story, he got called names in anon reviews. It’s really sad to me that some women can’t deal with a strong woman who does what she wants or an insecure man who doesn’t believe in himself. These are realities! Ugh, anyway…I could rant about this for hours! Lol.


      • It’s another one of those, it’s not for everyone, fics. Sookie is abused badly in the beginning. But if you’re interested there’s a link to the SunsetQueens WordPress in the links.

        I could rant for hours as well. I love your story, and love the characters you’ve created.


  18. I am so tired of these cowards. I say “good for you” for standing up for your stories and not taking the bullshit anymore. You absolutely shouldn’t have to deal with the hate mongering. None of us should, be it writers or your fans. It’s sad that people feel the need to bash something just because it isn’t to their liking. They really need to grow the hell up.
    Anywho…I LOVE your stories and I’m sure your wealth of fans are proof enough of their love and enjoyment as well. Bask in the love of our reviews for a while hon, you definitely deserve it.
    Thank you for sharing your gift with us.


  19. Girl fuck em. ..If I had a dollar for all these chump ass reviewers that hit you girls up with their bullshit I’d be a rich bitch and so would you ladies …because I’d invest in all you guys because this shit takes talent ..time …and patience and a certain kind of love for the art….just keep doing ya thing…and fuck them no talent BITCHES. ..See ya next chapters of any and all your stories 😉


  20. That anonymous reviewer certainly has a way with words, maybe they should try writing something themselves…

    I have my issues with and hate that a site like that is the unspoken portal to finding actual quality stuff when the review system is a poor indicator of that. Saying that there are lots of devoted and dedicated readers there who take the time and effort to let you know they are greatly enjoying your stories.

    Unfortunately it also seems to breed a different kind of species that to me is synonymous with the workings of The reviews/comments are not an integral part of your story like it is on a WP site where you actually can see an author’s response and readers can interact with each other, which in my opinion greatly adds to the reading of a story, it’s simply a sideline that you use to filter out popular stories which isn’t necessarily an indicator of quality.

    The reviews you do get as an author are mostly praise, write more please, etc. However, there does seem to be a general tendency that encourages reviewers to state their expectations of what should happen next. Perhaps it’s because there are a lot of stories on there that use the reviews to develop plotline which ensures readers that a story keeps getting posted in a vicious cycle. Regardless, the side effect is that seems to bring out the extremely intolerant when things aren’t moving as readers would like (to me that’s the marking of a good story but that’s another discussion all together) or in this case a story they don’t want to read.

    It troubles me that this is now branching out beyond that site. Yesterday I read that someone made the effort to set up an anonymous email address to chastise a WP author, who is hosting a contest, for her lack of banners to go with those stories, because apparently that’s an expectation that now needs to be met too.

    To a certain extent I can understand the frustration when certain characters are no longer recognisable as the one inspiration is drawn from but that is an author’s prerogative (even when they’re penning a bestselling series or writing a popular show).

    You did your due diligence in informing prospective readers exactly what PTBM was and what you could expect. Your great variations of work (another mark of a good author in my opinion) indicate this as well. I say fuck those anons and their narrow minds because I sincerely doubt you became a talented writer by doing exactly what other people told you to do. I’d feel sorry for them with their limited world view and frustrating little lives under normal circumstances but with that kind of bile spewing from the mouth all sympathy is lost and lies firmly with you.


    • Thank you so much. I’ve been fed up with FFn for a while now, but that was just the last straw. I never expected everyone to like BTPM, and I’m fine with that. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea. But I take offensive when they ignore the warnings I put on the story as a whole and the individual chapters, and run off to FFn to review anonymously. If they dislike it so much they should have the convictions to stand by them.

      One of my favourite things as a writer is coming up with different ways to explore the character of Sookie. I can’t write her as strictly canon; I enjoy playing around with her character. BTPM Sookie is very different from AMOI Sookie, as she is different from TtS Sookie.


      • I wholly agree that if you have such strong convictions about something at least have the balls to sign your name to it. Honestly how much are those relatively anonymous avatars on FF worth anyhow?

        This is my amateur psychological analysis of your anon reviewer (I don’t hold a degree in it but my mother did so I’m not completely inept).

        Lesson the first on those spewing hate at you; they are revealing way more about themselves than about you. This person read the warnings, went ahead with it anyway, was uncomfortable with what she read but on either a conscious or subconscious level there was a part of her that liked it when her ingrained morals told her it was wrong. That’s what frustrated her and instead of looking in the mirror to have an honest look at herself, she directed all that self hate your way.

        Your Sookies always have a well built up background that shapes that particular character. Different choices and circumstances make a different Sookie to me that’s the beauty of fanfiction. People really need to learn to deal with it especially considering the Stupid Sookie prancing about on screen.


  21. Well I’m another voice to the choir I ‘ve read all your stories and I loved them especially this “Behind the Public Masks” and you wanna know why? You write a very different Sookie cmpletely different from the one we all know ! She’s a very independent woman doesn’t take shit from nothing and noone; She’s mature and all she does she does willingly ; She’s a bad ass not a small minded girl who blames herself for everyhing bad that happens around her(TB Sookie) and most of all she tells assholes to go fuck off !!( Not like a certain TB Sookie who crawls back to her abuser to fuck him ) Continue your beautiful stories and don’t let this bad review put you down!! Take care


    • Thank you. I love BTPM Sookie for the reasons you said. She’s smart, independent, and a total badass. She’s comfortable in her skin and abilities. She’s not waiting for a man (read: Eric) to come along and save her and make her life better.


  22. Your awesome and a damn good author. I love all of the stories you’ve written. So to the anonymous people who decided to go on a rant about the QUEEN’S stories. Go fuck yourself and stop reading them.


  23. I feel lie aturd. My typing is so bad, your stories are awesome Please keep them coming. (maybe Iam Jason) not really, but maybe, please forgive my ineptness



  24. Good for you, anonymous reviews like this really piss me off. You’d think that someone with an opinion that extreme would be happy to own it. I have never understood why people continue to read something if they don’t like it and then leave nasty comments. If I didn’t like a story I’d just stop reading it. Why is it these people ignore the content warnings anyway? I’ve never got over the pathetic people on ff who report True Blood stories for being too mature – ffs have they seen the show????

    To the author of that review – Sookie is a fictional character, her reputation can’t be fucking ruined. Now get a life and leave us adult readers to our fantasies. Yes fantasies, NOT reality! If you have constructive criticism then ff authors want to know but that isn’t constructive criticism it’s just a vile hate message. You obviously don’t like erotica so don’t fucking read it, the warnings are clear. Oh and the writers aren’t trying to please you personally, that’s just arrogant of you to expect them to stick to a set formula you approve of. These authors are very talented and like to stretch themselves by trying different approaches, diversity is a great thing and we fans appreciate them even more for it.


  25. I’m so sorry you had to deal with that. In real life, Sookie’s kind of sexual activity would be fraught with danger due to disease and stuff. A story where the main character can be at ease with herself and enjoy her life is a nice read. I love the story.


  26. Some one really call btpm trash. They don’t know an awesome story when they see one keep writing vic I love your way of writing


  27. I love your stories. I love AMOI, fool no more, lifting the veil, etc. love them all. However, I never read behind the mask, because it is not the type of story I like to read. You put up an excellent description of what the story would entail. So I knew that this would not be a story for me. You were honest and respectful. It is a shame that others do not give you the same respect. If a story is not to your liking, don’t read it. Attacking authors is just stupid. I look forward to your updates on all your other stories. They really are wonderful and way better than anything on true blood.


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